The Global Surgery & Obstetrics/Gynaecology summer course provides a unique overview of topics related to Global Surgery, Gynaecology and Maternal care, with an emphasis on essential surgical care from a worldwide perspective. A great variety of topics will be discussed in interactive lectures, case study discussions and small working group with experts in the field. The diverse composition of speakers and participants from all over the globe, will provide an unique opportunity to connect and learn from different backgrounds and perspectives.

After a successful edition online of the Global Surgery and Obstetrics – Gynaecology summer school, we are planning to return to Utrecht this year!

This course is a collaboration of

UMCU: Julius Global Health (, Surgical Department and Division Woman & Baby at the Wilhemina Children’s Hospital
The Netherlands Society for International Surgery NSIS (
The Dutch Working Party for Safe Motherhood and International Reproductive Health (
!Research contest!

Join our contest by handing in your own research proposal! The best research proposal will win free participation in the Global Surgery and Obstetrics-Gynaecology course of Utrecht Summerschool and €500 euro to spend on your research project or travel expenses. For further details, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:

Course leader

Prof. dr. Kitty Bloemenkamp and Prof. dr. I.H.M. Borel Rinkes

Target group

We are looking forward to welcome a diverse group of participants, including:

Health professionals: surgical and obstetrics/gynaecology residents, clinical officers, residents in International Health and tropical medicine (AIGT), midwives, surgeons, and OBGYNs
Health researchers
Policy makers with an interest in surgery and women’s health
Master’s level students (Medical/global health/public health/biomedical sciences/midwifery) are welcome to join this course too, but are expected to have working experience in a low resource setting.
Professional accreditation will be requested with NVOG, NVTG and NVH. Please contact us if you’re interested to discuss other accreditation options.

Course aim

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Discuss key challenges in surgery and maternal health globally
Discuss the main features of the 4G alliance: Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anaesthesia care.
Provide a comprehensive overview of strategies to improve surgical care and maternal health outcomes
Discuss the role of the Sustainable Development Goals, social determinants, gender dynamics, human rights and policy to improve reproductive and maternal health outcomes
Collaborate effectively within international group of participants and faculty.

Fee info

EUR 595: Course + course materials

Different registration fees apply:

Full/regular fee: €595,-
MIC or LIC* based participants: €295,-
*LIC and MIC are lower and (upper and lower-)middle income countries, as classified by the World Bank. Participants can apply for the LIC/MIC fee based on the location of the institution they are affiliated to. Limited discounted places available.

*KA107 participants pay full fee 
EUR 200: Housing fee (optional)

Register here :

Registration deadline 17 May 2022

More information here:–obs-gyn

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